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Nusasonic Common Tonalities 2022
South East Asia
October 2022
Role: Composer
The Nusasonic project brought together 20 artists selected from across Southeast Asia to join music technologist Khyam Allami in a series of workshops focused on the subject of tuning and how it relates to modern-day sonic technologies and music-making. After the workshops, each artist was commissioned to create a new work, all of which were presented in an album entitled “Common Tonalities”.

ชิงชัย “Ching Chai” which translates to Spirit of Combat, is inspired by ปั่นจักสีลัด “pencak silat” a martial arts found across Southeast Asia practiced by Muslim communities in the South of Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. In Southeast Asia, many of our martial arts are paired with the distinctive sound of a ปี่, or reeded oboe with a piercing sound. A core instrument used in Pencak is the ปี่ซูนา “Phi Suna” (another instrument similar to the Phi Nai) which formed the basis of my composition. I wanted my track to be a re-imagination of music for pencak silat, heightening the sense of combat during one of these battles.